Who’s to Blame | Messages for Twin Flames

Welcome back Tribe!

I wanted to stop in real quick to share a beautiful channeled message from my divine team that I received yesterday. I feel like this message is meant to uplift the hearts and faith of those on the twin flame journey right now.

Since the beginning of 2019, the velocity and weight of the energy has been intense – and I feel as if it will only increase from here on out. But we are being initiated into something greater than we have ever experienced in this lifetime, so it is only natural for us to undergo a sort of spiritual “bootcamp” before receiving our next step on our journey.

The message I wanted to bring to you today is for twin flames who are experiencing little to no communication or have not interacted with their twin in a while. This also pertains to those who have experienced these cycles of silence in the past or may experience this in the future.

You are not to blame. Your twin is not to be blamed. Others around you are not to be blamed. Do not feel shame or guilt for this moment in time. Yes, it feels challenging. But you must remember that by coming together initially or prior to this period of silence, you set off a trajectory for karma to be triggered. By coming together, you all energetically said, “Yes”, to releasing more of what stands in the way of divine union.

It can be easy to feed our wounds of persecution during these times because we start to think about what may have went wrong, what did we do that was “bad”, what did our twin do that was “bad”, and what could we have done instead to avoid this situation we are in right now.

Let me bring peace to your heart and soul – you and your twin could not have done (or not done) anything different to avoid this divine intervention. This is all linked to divine timing and karmic clearing. This was meant to happen to take you and your twin to the next level of your journey.

The reason the runner runs and the chaser chases is because we are both running from our wounds of persecution – when we felt shame, guilt, and blame around something. This wound is connected to the belief that, “I am bad and I am not lovable”. This notion of bad makes us want to avoid any sense of disappointment towards those around us – i.e. people pleasing to avoid conflict.

But the attempt to avoid conflict actually manifests the experience of conflict because we end up feeling conflict within ourselves and our twin flame connection – it is the self-fulfilling prophecy and process of self-undoing.

My whole point of this message is to remind you that all parties involved in this connection are merely being asked to detach from the illusion of separation and see it as a divinely-timed sleep cycle. During a period of sleep each night, we integrate and regenerate our cells. While you are sleeping, are you interacting with anyone on the earth plane? Probably not. So, look at this period of silence as a period of rest, rejuvenation, regeneration, and integration – not a personal attempt to hurt anyone.

Let me reiterate:

You are not to blame for this. You are not guilty of this. You are being divinely-supported and guided during this process of karmic clearing and healing. So, please, do not beat yourself up over this situation and experience because that is merely a reaction to a core wound of persecution.

The same goes for your twin.

They are not to blame for this. They are not guilty or shameful. They are being divinely-guided and supported during this process of karmic clearing and healing. So, please, do not beat them up over this situation and experience because that is merely a reaction to a core wound of persecution.

Practice forgiveness of yourself and forgiveness of your twin flame to alleviate the illusion of separation. Separation only exists in a dualistic reality where we are fueling both prejudice and judgment – as we metaphorically burn others at the stake of our ego’s perception of morale. As you dissolve the layers that your ego has put between yourself and another, you dissolve the illusion of separation. Build union from forgiveness.

Interested in receiving the guidance and support on your twin flame journey? I would love to be of service to you and help you clear out old energies and trauma as well as step into your power in a big way. Click here to check out my list of services, all curated to help you elevate higher on your twin flame journey.

Lots of love!


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